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Why do my eyes hurt?

Why do my eyes hurt?

A solar eclipse is a celestial event that captures the awe of millions. As the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, day momentarily turns to night, and the natural world falls silent in reverence. However, for those who choose to witness this astronomical spectacle, safety should be a top priority – especially when it comes to protecting our eyes. Here we discuss a lesser-known topic: why wearing false eyelashes to view a solar eclipse could be more harmful than helpful.

The Allure of the Lash

False eyelashes have become a mainstay in beauty routines, often regarded as an essential accessory to enhance one's appearance. They can make eyelashes appear longer, fuller, and more captivating. In the excitement to witness an eclipse, some might be tempted to couple the experience with the allure of falsies, not realizing the potential risks they pose in this unique situation.

The Solar Eclipse: A Rare Phenomenon

Before we delve into the specifics of false eyelashes, let's understand the solar eclipse. During an eclipse, the sun emits intense solar radiation, including ultraviolet rays that can cause a condition called solar retinopathy. This condition arises from photochemical and thermal damage to the retina and can result in permanent eye damage or blindness.

False Eyelashes: A Barrier to Safety

So, why are false eyelashes a concern during a solar eclipse? Firstly, they can create a false sense of security. The length and density of false lashes might lead one to believe they can act as a filter against harmful solar radiation. This is a dangerous misconception. False eyelashes are not designed to offer any form of UV protection, and relying on them could result in serious eye damage.

Interference with Protective Gear

Eclipse glasses are a must-have for anyone observing a solar eclipse, designed to filter out 99.999% of sunlight. False eyelashes can interfere with the fit and seal of these glasses, allowing unfiltered sunlight to reach the eyes. Even the smallest gap can let in harmful rays that can burn the retina.

Glue and Chemicals: A Recipe for Disaster

The adhesive used to apply false eyelashes often contains chemicals that could react unpredictably when exposed to increased temperatures or UV light. During a solar eclipse, as one looks towards the sun, the heat can cause the glue to melt or emit fumes, both of which are hazardous. Eye irritation or an allergic reaction during an eclipse could cause one to rub their eyes, potentially leading to a gap in protective eyewear or, worse, exposure to direct sunlight.

Natural Lashes: The Body’s In-built Protection

Our natural eyelashes serve an evolutionary purpose; they help filter out airborne dust and particles that can harm the eyes. However, when false eyelashes are applied, they can disrupt this natural defense system. During an eclipse, when looking up towards the sun, even minute particles or eyelash adhesive flakes dislodged could fall into the eyes and irritate them, which is highly risky without adequate protection.

The Impact on Visual Clarity

Viewing a solar eclipse requires crystal clear vision to experience the phenomenon fully. False eyelashes, especially if not applied correctly, can cast shadows or impair the peripheral vision. This not only detracts from the experience but also can be disorienting, which is particularly dangerous if one is in a crowded place or in an area where attention to the environment is crucial for safety.

An Unnecessary Distraction

The beauty enhancement that comes with false eyelashes should not overshadow the importance of experiencing a solar eclipse safely. Any distraction, such as the need to adjust a dislodged eyelash or the discomfort from the added weight on the eyelids, can lead to missing out on proper safety protocols – like looking away from the sun before removing eclipse glasses.

The Verdict

While false eyelashes might seem like an innocuous addition to one’s look, they can pose significant risks when worn during a solar eclipse viewing. The best practice is to stick to wearing eclipse glasses or viewing through a pinhole projector. Keep the focus on safety and the splendor of the eclipse itself, rather than on aesthetics.


A solar eclipse is a reminder of the grandeur of our universe and the delicate balance of our place within it. As we prepare to witness such a stunning display, let us not forget the fragility of our sight. Ditching the false eyelashes during an eclipse is a small sacrifice for the assurance of healthy vision, allowing us to gaze upon the wonders of the cosmos safely, today and in the future.


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