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Mastering Eyelash Extension Care

Mastering Eyelash Extension Care

Mastering Eyelash Extension Care: Tips for Long-Lasting Lashes


1. Choose Oil-Free Products:

Using oil-free makeup removers and cleansers is essential. Oil can break down the glue holding your extensions, causing them to fall out prematurely. Always check product labels before purchasing.

2. Avoid Water and Steam for the First 48 Hours:

After getting your extensions, steer clear of steam rooms, saunas, and direct water on your lashes. This allows the adhesive to set properly, ensuring a longer-lasting bond.

3. Gentle Cleaning is a Must:

Gently cleanse your eyelash extensions using a soft-bristled brush or your fingertips. Use a lash-friendly cleanser to keep them free from build-up and looking fresh.

4. Brush Regularly But Gently:

Brushing your extensions daily with a clean spoolie helps maintain their alignment and prevents any crisscrossing. Remember to be gentle; aggressive brushing can lead to lash loss.

5. Sleep Smartly:

Avoid sleeping on your face or pressing your lashes into your pillow. This helps maintain the shape and prevents any unwanted lash bending or breakage.

6. Refrain from Mascara and Mechanical Curlers:

Your extensions are designed to eliminate the need for mascara. However, if you must, ensure it's extension-safe. Also, avoid mechanical curlers as they can damage the extensions.

7. Regular Touch-ups:

To maintain the fullness of your extensions, regular touch-ups or "fills" are recommended every 2-4 weeks, depending on your lash growth and shedding cycle.

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